Create a content area to provide information to users
Content areas are dashboards that provide information and editing capabilities to users. They are composed of one or multiple pages with different content. There are different types of content areas:
- Class Independent Content Areas are available via the navigation menu of Alfabet. These content areas provide information and access to data workbenches. They can serve as general dashboards that users can use to collect their favorite views or they can collect a number of views providing a defined functionality. For example in the business questions, the content area presents one or multiple views answering a question in the first page. In addition a page with the views to check the data quality and a page with the data workbenches required to correct or add data the business question is based on. The content area opens when a user clicks a link in the left side navigation.
- Class Based Content Areas are available for each object in the Alfabet database. These content areas provide information about an object and editing capabilities. The content area opens when a user navigates to an object, for example from a data workbench.
Content areas consist of the following, configurable elements:
Content Page: Each content area can have multiple pages. These are accessible via tabs in the user interface.
Property Groups: Only for class based content areas. Property groups provide ReadWrite or Read access to object class properties, depending on the user's access permissions to the object.
- Data Workbenches: Data workbenches provide editing capabilities.
- Standard Views and Configured Reports: Standard views for Alfabet which provide either graphic or tabular views on data with or without editing capabilities.
Cards: Cards are representing indicators or numeric data.
- Buttons: Only class-based content areas can have a toolbar with button interaction. The buttons displayed in a content area are configured in the class model.Click her for information about button configuration for object classes.
Content Repository: Objects in the content repository can be selected by users to add them to a page of the content area in addition to the content you added as default when configuring the content area.