Define how and where buttons are available on the user interface
Button availability can be changed for data workbenches, content areas, and for standard views.
Buttons in class-based content areas and data workbenches
A standard set of buttons is available for data workbenches and content areas, like the button to create a new object and the buttons for structuring and visualizing the content of the view in data workbenches and for adding content from the content repository in class based content areas. If other class specific buttons are available for an object class, these are listed in the object class model in the Generic Operations sub-folder of the object class. The buttons cannot be edited or deleted. You can only change the user access permissions for each button with the Access in User Interface attribute. The permissions and captions defined in the object class model are the default for all user profiles. For individual user profiles, the settings can be overwritten in the class settings.
Buttons in standard views
The availability and caption of buttons in standard views can be changed in the class settings.