Get help if you're lost

Access the help. Use our help to understand what you need to do and how you need to do it. IN the uuper right corner of the Alfabet user interface, click  HelpButton . The help window will display context-sensitive help for the view you are currently working with. Click a question to display the answer. Click the Alfabet Help Center link to open the documentation website.

If the standard context-sensitive help topics don't answer the your question, enter a search term in the search field at the top of the help panel. Select a topic in the drop-down list. Available links go to the topic in the browser-based online help where users can easily navigate to related topics.

Report an issue. Let us know if you run into issues and need our support. Submit an incident report: Alfabet BD GmbH Support.

Share your ideas. Tell us how you think Alfabet can be even better. We welcome your input ideas and suggestions. Let us know your thoughts: