Changes to configured reports
- Widget reports are no longer supported. Existing widgets defined for widget reports will still be displayed in Alfabet Expand, but they are not visible on the user interface. The new Type attribute is View for the deprecated widget style.
Widgets are now used to configure adaptive cards which are used to display indicators and values added to cards in data workbenches to content areas. Click to learn how users use the cards in data workbenches or Click to learn how cards are defined for evaluation types and indicator types.
- Other report types may not work as expected. During the migration project with the Alfabet team, existing reports will be adapted to the Alfabet 11.8 scope.the documentation of the automatic and manual migration includes information about support for configured reports and support for Alfabet query language Instructions.
- The Review Report functionality in Alfabet Expand requires that reports have the State set to Active prior to using the functionality. The report opens in the full user interface including headers and left-hand navigation panel.