Preconfigured reports that return object data
You can export data about objects or about relations between objects using the preconfigured reports listed in the following tables. Click the report name in the table to view information about the structure of the JSON returned if you execute the report in a RESTful service call to the objects endpoint with ReportResult:"DataSet".
Reports returning data for one object class
Object Class | Report Name |
Application | RAPI_Application |
Application Group | RAPI_ApplicationGroup |
Business Capability | RAPI_BusinessCapability |
Business Data | RAPI_BusinessData |
Business Process | RAPI_BusinessProcess |
Component | RAPI_Component |
Data Category | RAPI_DataCategory |
IT Capability | RAPI_ITCapability |
Location | RAPI_Location |
Organization | RAPI_Organization |
Physical Server | RAPI_PhysicalServer |
Vendor | RAPI_Vendor |
Virtual Server | RAPI_VirtualServer |
Reports returning data for multiple object classes
Report Name | Object class | Short description |
RAPI_GenericAttributes | Any object class having generic attributes | The return value lists the objects that have generic attributes and the values of the generic attributes. |
RAPI_Indicator | Any object class having indicators | The return value liststhe objects that have indicators set and the values of the indicators. |
RAPI_ObjectResponsibilities | Application, Application Group, Business Capability, Business Data, Business Process, Component, Data Category (Business Object), Information Flow, IT Capability, Location, Organization, Physical Server, Vendor, Virtual Server. | The report lists the role assignment for all objects. Persons and organizations are listed with their names. |
Reports returning relations between object classes
Report Name | Relation |
RAPI_App_AppGroup | from class Application to Application Group |
RAPI_App_BusinessCapability | from Application to Business Capability |
RAPI_App_BusinessData | from Application to Business Data including CRUD information |
RAPI_App_BusinessProcess | from Application to Business Process |
RAPI_App_Component | from Application to Component |
RAPI_App_InformationFlow | from Application to Information Flow |
RAPI_App_ITCapability | from Application to IT Capability |
RAPI_App_Organization | from Application to Organization |
RAPI_App_PhysicalServer | from Application to Physical Server |
RAPI_App_Vendor | from Application to Vendor |
RAPI_App_VirtualServer | from Application to Virtual Server |
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Application as a list.
Filter to return only objects changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Short Name": null, "Version": "1",
- "Description": "",
- "Start Date": "2019-08-09",
- "End Date": "2024-08-09",
- "Object State": "Active",
- "Status": null,
- "Architecture Type": null,
- "Development Type": null,
- "Authentication": null,
- "Alias": null,
- "Recommendation": null,
- "Strategic": "No",
- "PACE Governance": null,
- "Cloud Migration Strategy": "null",
- "Compliance Regulation": 0,
- "Successor": null,
- "Number of Users": null,
- "Confidentiality": null,
- "Integrity": null,
- "Availability": null,
- "Plan Start Date": null,
- "Pilot Start Date": null,
- "Production Start Date": null,
- "Sunset Start Date": null,
- "Retired Start Date": null,
- "Lifecycle End Date": null,
- "1 SW License Cost": null,
- "2 SW Maintenance Cost": null,
- "3 Infrastructure Cost": null,
- "4 Service Cost": null,
- "5 OpEx Other": null,
- "Application Manager [Person]": null,
- "Business Owner [Person]": "JEFE",
- "IT Owner [Person]": null,
- "Architect [Person]": null,
- "Stakeholder [Person]": null,
- "Business Owner [Organization]": ,
- "IT Owner [Organization]": null,
- "Operations [Organization]": "Headquarter"
- "Stakeholder [Organization]": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_Applications"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Application Group as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "ApplicationGroup",
- "RefStr": "157-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Financial Services Apps",
- "Parent": "Administrative Service Apps",
- Short Name: null,
- "Type": "Analysis Group"
- "Description": null;
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_ApplicationGroup"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Business Capability objects as a list.
The technical class name for the business capabilities is Domain . Business Capability is a stereotype of the class Domain.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Domain",
- "RefStr": "421-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Level ID": "A.1",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Parent": null,
- "Description": "",
- "Business Relevance": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_BusinessCapability"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Business Data as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "BusinessData",
- "RefStr": "144-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Description": null,
- "Version": "1",
- "Short Name": null,
- "Data Classification": "Confidential - Personal Data",
- "Data Category": "Category",
- "Business Capability": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_BusinessData"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Business Process as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "BusinessProcess",
- "RefStr": "330-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Level ID": "1",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Parent": null,
- "Description": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_BusinessProcess"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Component as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Component",
- "RefStr": "244-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Short Name": null,
- "Version": "1",
- "Description": null,
- "Start Date": "2002-05-17",
- "End Date": "2010-07-26",
- "Object State": "Retired",
- "Status": "Approved",
- "Type": null,
- "Support Model": null,
- "Alias": null,
- "Strategic": 0,
- "Support Start Date": "2001-08-17",
- "Ext. Support Start Date": null,
- "Lifecycle End Date": "2030-12-31",
- "IT Capability": null,
- "Vendor": "Vendor",
- "Successor": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_Component"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Data Category objects as a list.
The technical class name for the data category is BusinessObject . Data Category is a stereotype of the class BusinessObject.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "BusinessObject",
- "RefStr": "232-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Parent": "",
- "Description": null,
- "Short Name": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_DataCategory"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns IT Capability objects as a list.
The technical class name for the IT capabilities is Domain . IT Capability is a stereotype of the class Domain.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Domain",
- "RefStr": "421-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Level ID": "1",
- "Name": "Name",
- "Parent": null,
- "Description": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_ITCapability"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Location as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Location"
- "RefStr": "388-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Parent": "",
- "Short Name": "",
- "Description": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_Location"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Organization as a list.
The technical class name for the organizations is OrgaUnit.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "OrgaUnit",
- "RefStr": "261-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Parent": "",
- "Short Name": null,
- "Description": null,
- "Contact": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_Organization"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Physical Server objects as a list.
The technical class name for the physical servers is Device . Physical Server is a stereotype of the class Device.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Device",
- "RefStr": "55-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Short Name": null,
- "Version": "Version",
- "Description": null,
- "Start Date": "2018-01-01",
- "End Date": "2023-12-31",
- "Object State": "State",
- "Status": "Release Status",
- "Serial Number": "",
- "Location": ""
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_PhysicalServer"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns objects of the class Vendor as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Vendor",
- "RefStr": "116-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Short Name": "Name",
- "Website": null,
- "Description": null,
- "Country": null,
- "State": null,
- "City": null,
- "Street": null,
- "Phone": null,
- "Fax": null,
- "Email": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_Vendor"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Virtual Server objects as a list.
The technical class name for the virtual servers is Device . Virtual Server is a stereotype of the class Device.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Device",
- "RefStr": "55-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "Name",
- "Short Name": null,
- "Version": "Version",
- "Description": null,
- "Start Date": "2018-01-01",
- "End Date": "2023-12-31",
- "Object State": "State",
- "Status": "Release Status",
- "Server Type": "Type",
- "Physical Server": null
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_VirtualServer"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns generic object attributes for objects of all object classes.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName":"Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "Name": "CRM CSS 3.2",
- "Class": "Application",
- "Attribute": "Rationalization Status",
- "Value": "True",
- "Type": "Boolean"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_GenericAttributes"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns indicator values for objects of all object classes.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: Yes
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName":"Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0",
- "Values": {
- "ID": "APP-7",
- "Value": "4",
- "Semantic Value": "1.001-10.000",
- "Indicator Type": "Number of Users",
- "Evaluation Type": "Application Assessment"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_Indicator"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns responsible organizations and users for objects of all object classes.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "CLASS": "Application",
- "ID": "APP-XXX",
- "OBJECT": "Name of Object",
- "ROLE": "Role (e.g. Business Owner)",
- "RESPONSIBLE": "Person or Organization object",
- "TYPE": "Person/Organization"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_ObjectResponsibilities"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Application Group relations as a list.
The relation is established via the object class property Application Groups of the object class Application with the technical name ApplicationGroups.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Name",
- "AppGroup.Reference": "157-XXX-0",
- "ApplicationGroup": "Name",
- "Relation": "ApplicationGroups"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_AppGroup"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Business Capability relations as a list. Business Capability is a stereotype of the object class Domain.
The relation is established via the object class property Providing Applications of the object class Domain with the technical name AssociatedObjects.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Name",
- "BusinessCapability.Reference": "421-XXX-0",
- "BusinessCapability": "Name",
- "Relation": "AssociatedObjects"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_BusinessCapability"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Business Data relations including CRUD information as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Name",
- "BusinessData.Reference": "144-XXX-0",
- "BusinessData.Name": "Name",
- "Create": 0,
- "Read": 1,
- "Update": 1,
- "Delete": 0
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_BusinessData"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Business Process relations as a list.
The relation is established via the object class property Enabled Business Processes of the object class Application with the technical name Processes . Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Name",
- "BusinessProcess.Reference": "330-XXX-0",
- "BusinessProcess": "Name",
- "Relation": "Processes"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_BusinessProcess"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Component relations as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Name",
- "Component.Reference": "244-XXX-0",
- "Component.Name": "Name",
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_Component"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Information Flow relations as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "FromApp.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "FromApplication": "App Name",
- "ToApp.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "ToApplication": "App Name",
- "InformationFlow.Reference": "139-XXX-0",
- "InformationFlow": "Information Flow Name",
- "InformationFlow.ConnectionType": "ConnectionType",
- "InformationFlow.ConnectionMethod": "ConnectionMethod",
- "InformationFlow.ConnectionFrequency": "ConnectionFrequency",
- "InformationFlow.ConnectionDataFormat": "ConnectionDataFormat"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_InformationFlow"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to IT Capability relations as a list.
IT Capability is a stereotype of the object class Domain.
The relation is established via the object class property Providing Applications of the object class Domain with the technical name AssociatedObjects.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Application",
- "ITCapability.Reference": "421-XXX0","
- ITCapability": "IT Capability"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_ITCapability"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Organization relations as a list.
The relation is established via the object class property Using Organizations of the object class Application with the technical name SAG_Organizations.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Application",
- "Organization.Reference": "261-XXX-0",
- "Organization": "Organization",
- "Relation": "SAG_Organizations"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_Organization"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Physical Server relations as a list. Physical Server is a stereotype of the object class Device.
The relation is established via the object class property Hosting Servers of the object class Application with the technical name SAG_Devices.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Application",
- "PhysicalServer.Reference": "55-XXX-0",
- "PhysicalServer.Name": "Physical Server",
- "Relation": "SAG_Devices"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_APP_PhysicalServer"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Vendor relations as a list.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Application",
- "Vendor.Reference": "116-XXX-0",
- "Vendor": "Vendor"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_Vendor"
- "Description": "";
This is a dataset report that returns Application to Virtual Server relations as a list. Virtual Server is a stereotype of the object class Device.
The relation is established via the object class property Hosting Servers of the object class Application with the technical name SAG_Devices.
Filter to return only object changed after a defined date: No
Structure of return JSON:
- "Objects": [{
- "ClassName": "Application",
- "RefStr": "326-XXX-0"
- "Values": {
- "App.Reference": "326-XXX-0",
- "Application": "Application",
- "VirtualServer.Reference": "55-XXX-0",
- "virtualServer.Name": "Virtual Server",
- "Relation": "SAG_Devices"
- },
- "NestedObjects": {}
- }
- }],
- "Count": 001,
- "Name": "RAPI_App_VirtualServer"
- "Description": "";