What is the status of our rationalization plan?


The business question What is the status of our rationalization plan? helps you to track your rationalization activities and understand whether they are in alignment with the agreed plan. Analyze the number of new and retired applications over time and understand the financial impact on your business. Change the timeframe to carry out a trend analysis of the costs of your rationalization activities.

The Applications Over Time Chart visualizes a line graph showing the total number of applications in the repository over time as well as how many new applications have been added vs. retired. To focus on only the new and retired applications in the chart, click the Total item in the legend below the Applications Over Time Chart. You can also click the Retired and New items to remove the corresponding data from the chart.

The Applications Over Time Table tracks the yearly numbers of total applications, new applications, and retired applications based on the timespan set in the filter. This view includes the costs of the new and retired applications so that you can assess the financial impact of your rationalization activities.

How can I change the period of time displayed in the analyses? The timespan of the data can be adjusted to show from 6 months - 5 years in the past as well as 6 months - 5 years in the future so that you can carry out a trend analysis and understand the impact of planned rationalization activities. Change the timespan via  dlt-icon-filter_Teal > Time Range Back to specify how far in the past the report should begin and Time Range Ahead to specify how far in the future the report should begin.

What qualifies as an added or retired application? An added application is an application that has a start date that is before or in the current month. A retired application has an end date that is before or in the current month.

How are the costs calculated? The value in the Added Year Cost column is a sum of all cost types for applications that have been added in the relevant year. The value in the Retired Year Cost column is a sum of all cost types for all applications that have been retired in the relevant year.

Which applications are planned to be added in the future? Click the  dlt-icon-filter_Teal button and set Plan in the Object State field and set the Time Range Back and Time Range Ahead fields to specify the future time period that you are interested in.