The command line tool AlfaConsoleDbArchiveRestore.exe is obsolete and no longer available. The command line tool AlfaAdministratorConsole.exe can be used to archive and restore databases.
The command line tool AlfaServerServiceGenerator.exe is obsolete and no longer available. Server services can be generated via AlfaService.exe with the following command line:
sc create ServiceName binpath= "PathToAlfabetInstallationDirectory\Programs\AlfaService.exe Alfabet111_CIServiceName" DisplayName= "ServiceDisplayName" start= auto
The command line tools RescanIndicatorsConsole.exe , RescanAutoIndicators.exe , and RescanColorRules.exe are no longer available. The functionality has been moved to ADIF schemes that can be executed via the command line tool ADIF_Console.exe.
The command line tool AlfaWorkflowCommandPrompt.exe is obsolete and no longer available. The functionality has been moved to the AlfabetAdministratorConsole.exe command line tool. The command line tool must be started with the parameter -workflow followed by the parameters which were available for AlfaWorkflowCommandPrompt.exe.
The AlfabetAdministratorConsole.exe command line tool can be used to generate a server alias based on one of the following templates: System , ServerFastlane , or ServerEnterprise. It can also be used to alter the following:
Overview > Web server
Overview > Help Server
Overview > REST API Server
Expand > Test Web Server
The content of the License tab
In addition, the following obsolete command line tools are no longer delivered: