Document the application's information flows

Information flows exchange business data between applications. For each information flow, one application is considered the source of the information flow and the other application is considered the target of the information flow. The number of information flows that an application is associated with helps the application architect determine the complexity of the application, potential redundancies among applications, and the effort involved in migrating or replacing an application.

An application can be a source of an outgoing information flow and the target of an incoming information flow. Neither the source nor the target application of an information flow can have its object state set to Retired. The application may have an unlimited number of incoming and outgoing information flow. The naming convention for information flows is: <Source Application> > <Target Application>.

In the data table, click the navigate Navigate button of the application you want to define. Go to the Information Portfolio page and open and scroll to the Information Flows view and open it. You can do one of the following:

Specify the basic data about the information flow. Select the checkbox  DWB_Checkbox for the information flow you want to edit and click the Edit  dlt-icon-edit_Teal button to open the edit panel. All mandatory fields must be defined to create the information flow and save it.

Specify the responsibilities and indicators for the information flow. You can define the roles and evaluate indicators for the information flow. In the data table, click the navigate  Navigate button of the information you want to define. Go to the Overview page and scroll to the Responsibilities and Evaluations views.