Add components to the repository
In the navigation panel, click Technology Architecture > Component to open the data workbench for components. Per default, the data workbench displays only a set of basic attributes. You can add more columns to capture other attributes directly in the data workbench or you can navigate to a component's content area and define it in more detail there. Click to learn about how to use data workbenches.
You can add components by defining new components, as described below. Or you can import components based on IT products from IT-Pedia®. Click to find out how to import components and their vendors from IT-Pedia.
Add a new component. Click the New button. The edit panel opens on the right where you can define basic data.
Edit an existing component. Edit the component directly in the data table. Or select the checkbox for the component you want to edit and click the Edit
button to open the edit panel.
Define the component's basic data. All mandatory fields must be defined to create the component and save it.
- Name: (Mandatory) Enter a name for the component. You can add an abbreviation (3-4 letters) of the name in the Short Name field to use in diagrams and other visualizations.
- Version: (Mandatory) Enter a version number for the component. It is recommended that you document major and minor release versions (<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>). For example, version 2.1 (<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>). You could document patch releases (<MajorVersion.MinorVersion.PatchRelease>) if your organization requires this level of detail.
- Start Date and End Date: (Mandatory) The start and end date captures the period when the component is actively used in the company. This is also when the Object State attribute should be specified as Active. Click the calendar icon to select the date or enter the date in the date format Month/Day/Year. For example: 4/30/2023
- Object State: (Optional) Describes the operational status of the component and indicates whether it is actively used, planned to be used, or has been used in the past. The component's start and end dates indicate the planned period of activity for the object. Therefore object state should be changed from Plan to Active once the start date is reached.
Release Status: (Optional) Describes the level of approval of the documented information about the component. A component cannot be deleted when it has an approved release status. It cannot be edited when it has a retired release status. Possible values are:
- Draft: The component has only mandatory data defined.
- Under Review: The component is documented and being reviewed. A component with this release status cannot be deleted.
- Approved: The component has been approved by the responsible stakeholders. An component cannot be deleted when it has an approved release status. A component with this release status cannot be deleted.
- Data imported: The data regarding this component has been imported from an external system. Additional changes may be required to improve the data quality. A component with this release status can be deleted.
- Trash: The component is no longer valid and can be deleted.
Component Type: Specify how the component is used:
- Business: A component used in an application that provides business functions to end users. These components usually cater to specific business use cases and operations.
- Software: A component that provides technical support to an application such as data processing, application level functionality, or communication between applications.
- Infrastructure: A component that provides infrastructure level support and makes it possible to run business applications on devices. These components are usually installed on the infrastructure layer.
- Strategic Component: (Optional) Select the checkbox if the component is strategic for the company.
- Vendor: The vendor that supplies the component. Vendors must already be in the repository in order to define the vendor that provides the component.
Support Model: (Optional) The business support model of the component.
- In-House: Support is provided from within the enterprise.
- 3rd Party: Support is provided by an external vendor.
- Other: Support is managed through other channels.
- Unknown: Support model has not yet been assessed.
- IT Capability: (Optional) The IT capability that the component is assigned to. IT capabilities must already be in the repository in order to assign the component to the IT capability.
- Successor Component: (Optional) The component that is the next version or replacement for the component.
- Alias: (Optional) An alternative name of the component to use in search and filter functionalities.
Standardization: Specify whether the component is a standard component. This helps you to promote the use of standard components and reduce non-standard technologies. Possible values are:
- Not Classified: The component is not assigned to a standardization category.
- Free for User: The component may be used. Users do not need approval to use the component.
- Approval Required: The use of this component must be approved. Users should contact the authorized user or another person such as the IT Owner who has a role defined for the component to gain approval to use the component.
- Not Permitted: The component may not be used.
- Authorized Access tab: The user who creates the component is the authorized user per default. This can be changed. Select one or more authorized user groups that shall have write permissions to the object. All users in the authorized user group can edit the component.