Import components and their vendors from IT-Pedia®

IT-Pedia® is a comprehensive IT product library that provides an up-to-date source of data about IT products of all types including, for example, hardware, software, and network devices. Alfabet FastLane provides an out-of-the-box integration with IT-Pedia that allows you to import components and the vendors that supply them to the Alfabet FastLane repository.

Only the IT-Pedia model catalog is available in the integration to ITPedia. Items from the procurement catalog cannot be created in Alfabet FastLane.

When an IT product is imported form IT-Pedia, it is imported as a component. The following data will be imported with the component:

Import components and vendors from IT-Pedia. In the navigation panel, go to Components to open the data workbench for components.

  1. Click the three vertical dots ThreeDots button in the right corner of the toolbar and select Import from IT-Pedia.
  2. Click the Update button to fill the selector with initial data.
  3. You can use the following fields to enter search criteria to find the IT products to add to Alfabet FastLane. You can enter the name or just part of the name.
    • Product: Enter the name or part of the name of the products you want to find.
    • Version: Add the version number to limit the results found based on the product name.
    • Edition: Add the edition to limit the results found based on the product name.
    • Manufacturer: Enter the name or part of the name of the manufacturer of the products.
    • Model: Enter the product model name to find the products.

Review the IT-Pedia product data for components. Components that have been imported from IT-Pedia will be added to the Components data workbench.

Review the IT-Pedia product data for vendors. Vendors that have been imported from IT-Pedia will be added to the Vendors data workbench.