Configure a class-based data capture template

The Advanced Data Capture view allows you to configure data capture templates to capture data for each relevant object class, reference array as well as application costs and project costs. This process is involved and requires a good understanding of the class model and how classes reference other classes.

Configure class-based data capture templates to collect data about object classes including which object class properties, indicator types, role types, lifecycle phases, and generic attributes to capture. A data capture template must be explicitly configured for each object class, reference array, application cost type, and project cost type.

You can generate an XLSX file for each data capture template you configure. Each data capture template describes the data to capture for one class. Object hierarchies such as an application group hierarchy can be created via the BelongsTo property available for such an object class.

  1. Go to Data Import > Advance Data Capture.
  2. Click New > Create New Data Capture Template.
  3. In the Stereotype Selector, select Class. The Data Capture Template - Class editor opens.
  4. In the Basic Data tab, specify basic information about the class-based data capture template. Define the following fields as needed:
    • Name: (Mandatory) Provide a meaningful name for the data capture template.
    • File Name Base: Provide a string that will be used as the first part of the file name of the file that is generated based on the data capture template. The string will be appended with a GUID to assure that the file name is unique.
    • Release Status: Select a predefined release status for the data capture template.
    • Class: (Mandatory) Select the object class for which the data shall be collected in the data capture template.
      • To capture business capabilities or IT capabilities, select Domain in the Class field and then either Business Capability or IT Capability in the Applicable Stereotype field.
      • To capture physical devices or virtual devices, select Device in the Class field and then either Physical Device or Virtual Device in the Applicable Stereotype field.
    • Dataset Provider: Specify the method to export the object data to the XLSX file. The objects will be displayed as records in the Export tab in the XLSX file. You can do one of the following:
      • Select All Records to populate the XLSX file with all relevant objects of the class.
      • Select No Records to generate an XLSX that has no instance data exported. The XLSX file will contain columns as defined in the data capture template but no records that have been exported from the Alfabet database. Exporting a file without instance data might be used, for example, if only new objects shall be created via the XLSX file. In this case, you must ensure that Create is selected in the Permitted Operations field.
      • Select a configured report to populate the XLSX file with objects found by the report query.
    • Description: Enter a meaningful description that will clarify the purpose of the data capture template.
    • Sample Record Provider: Sample data may be exported to the XLSX file to provide examples of existing data for users to understand how to create new data in the XLSX file. The sample data is exported to a Sample Data tab in the XLSX file where users can experiment with the data. The sample data will not be reimported to Alfabet FastLane and therefore the Alfabet database will not be impacted by changes made to the sample data.
    • Permitted Operations: (Mandatory) Specify the operations that shall be permissible in the XLSX file. Each row in the Operations column will have a drop-down list that allows the user to specify which operation shall be applied to the record. The follow operations are permissible:
      • Create: Allows a new object to be created. Users must define the new object in an empty row in the XLSX file and define the relevant columns as needed.
      • Update: Allows one or more properties, role types, indicator types, or lifecycle phases to be modified for the object.
      • Delete: Allows the entire object to be deleted.
      • No Change: Allows no modification to be made to the object. Please note that if No Change is not selected, users must modify the record in some way.
    • Primary Language: (Mandatory) Select the primary language to be used to generate the information in the XLSX file. If a primary language other than English is specified for the data capture template, the data in the XLSX file will be displayed in the specified language if a translation is available for the string. Date property values will be generated in the Excel file based on the format configured for the specified primary language. A validation of the formatting of the data loaded with the XLSX file will be executed for the primary language specified in the data capture template.
    • Other Supported Languages: Select the additional languages in which the data shall be captured. A column will be added to the XLSX file to capture the relevant data for each language selected in the Other Supported Languages field. The column header will display <Property Name> <(Language Culture Name)>

      If both the Primary Language and Other Supported Languages fields are specified, than the language English must be selected in one of the fields. If no value is imported for the language of the primary culture, an error will occur.

    • Capture Lifecycle: Select the checkbox if lifecycle information shall be captured for the objects targeted by the data capture. If the Capture Lifecycle checkbox is selected, the lifecycle phases specified for the relevant object will be automatically displayed in the Lifecycle tab for the object class specified in the data capture template.
    • Capture Generic Attribute: Select the checkbox if generic attributes shall be captured for the objects targeted by the data capture. If the Capture Generic Attribute checkbox is selected, the generic attributes specified for the relevant object will be automatically displayed in the Generic Attributes tab in the data capture template.
    • Max. Number of Rows: Enter the maximum number of records that may be imported via the XLSX file. The number of valid records starting with the first valid record in the XLSX file will be imported.
    • User Loading the Data is the Responsible User: Select the checkbox if the user importing the XLSX file shall be the responsible user for objects created via the data upload. If the checkbox is selected, the ResponsibleUser property will not be displayed in the Class Properties tab. If the User Loading the Data is the Responsible User attribute is not selected, the ResponsibleUser property must be explicitly selected in the Class Properties tab if the authorized user shall be available in the XLSX file.
    • Status Report Scope: Specify which type of records shall be displayed in the status report (XLSX file) that provides information about the results of the import. The following is possible:
      • Total Records: Select if all processed and discarded records shall be included in the status report. The discarded records displayed in the status report can be corrected and reimported to the Alfabet database.
      • Processed Records: Select if only records that were successfully imported shall be included in the status report.
      • Discarded Records: Select if only records that failed the validation process and were discarded during the import shall be included in the status report. The discarded records displayed in the status report can be corrected and reimported to the Alfabet database.
    • Validate: Select one or more validation scenarios that shall be executed in addition to the standard validation rules when the XLSX file is imported to Alfabet FastLane. This field will only be displayed if a relevant object class is selected in the Class field. Please note the following:
      • If you select either the classes Domain (with Applicable Stereotype = Business Capability or IT Capability) and Business Process in the Class field, a validation rule for the Level ID property can be selected. Select if the defined value must be valid for the business capabilities, IT capabilities, or business processes based on the Level ID values for its parent-child relationships.
      • If you select either the classes Information Flow or Operational Business Support, in the Class field, a validation rule for date properties can be selected. Please note the following:
        • If the start date of the information flow is earlier than the start date of the source or target object of the information flow, then the information flow will not be created or updated. If the end date of the information flow is later than the end date of the source or target object of the information flow, then the information flow will not be created or updated.
        • If the start date of the business support is earlier than the start date of either of the referenced objects, then the business support will not be created or updated. If the end date of the business support is later than the end date of either of the referenced objects, then the business support will not be created or updated.
  5. Go to the Class Properties tab. This displays a row for each object class property.

    To change the sequence of the properties, select a row and click either the Move Up or Move Down button in the toolbar of the dataset. The sequence specified in the data capture template will also be the sequence of the properties in the XLSX file.

    You must set a checkmark in the Included column for the property to be included in the data capture template. Selecting the checkbox in the first column of a row is not relevant.

    Please note that in order to prevent the ID of objects being erroneously changed, the ID property can not be enabled as a class property.

    • Drag the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the dataset in order to view all columns in the Class Properties tab.
    • Define the following columns in the Class Properties tab:
      • Name: Displays the name of the data capture template record.
      • Caption: If necessary, change the caption that shall be displayed as the column header in the XLSX file.
      • Mandatory: Set a checkmark to specify that the property is mandatory and must be defined in the XLSX file in order for the record to be imported to the Alfabet database. Any object class property that is specified as mandatory in the class model will automatically have the checkmark set in the Mandatory column. This can be changed, as needed. If the property is set a mandatory, the checkmark in the Include column will also be set. The Mandatory column in the Help tab of the XLSX file will be set to True for a mandatory property.
      • Property: Displays the name of the property targeted by the record.
      • Include: Set a checkmark to specify that the property shall be included in the XLSX file. A mandatory property must be included in the XLSX file.

        To set the checkmark in the Include column for all properties, select the Select All button above the dataset. To clear the checkmark in the Include column for all properties, select the Exclude All button above the dataset.

      • Property Type: Displays the property type of the property.
      • Property Details: For properties of type Reference or ReferenceArray: Displays the referenced property. If multiple object classes are referenced by the property of type Reference or ReferenceArray, a multi-select combo box will be displayed in the column and the referenced classes that are relevant for the data capture can be selected. If the All Records in the Basic Data tab and the Property Details tab is specified, only the relevant records will be included in the generated XLSX file.
      • Reference Class Filter Type: For properties of type Reference or ReferenceArray: Select All to export all objects of the class specified in the Property Details column, select Stereotype to export all objects of the object class stereotype that you will specify in the Reference Class Stereotype column, or select Report to specify all objects found by the configured report that you will specify in the Reference Class Filter column.
      • Reference Class Filter: For properties of type Reference or ReferenceArray: If you have selected Report in the Reference Class Filter Type column, select the configured report that shall find the objects targeted by the reference. The objects found by the configured report can be selected in a drop-down list in the XLSX file.
      • Reference Class Stereotype: For properties of type Reference or ReferenceArray: If you have selected Stereotype in the Reference Class Filter Type column, select the object class stereotype of the objects targeted by the reference. The objects based on the specified stereotype will be sorted lexicographically and can be selected in a drop-down list in the XLSX file.
      • Editor Hint: Enter text to assist the user in defining the property in the XLSX file. If no hint is defined, the value specified for the Hint attribute of the property in the class model will be displayed. The hints will be available in the Help tab of the XLSX file.
      • Allow Delta Objects: For properties of type Reference or ReferenceArray: Set a checkmark to allow new referenced objects to be specified in the XLSX file. The new referenced objects are objects that did not exist at the time that the XLSX file was generated but have in the meantime been added to the Alfabet database. The user must type in the exact name of the referenced object. If the name is correctly entered for the referenced object, the reference will be created between the base object and the new reference object upon import of the XLSX file.
      • Replace on Data Load: For properties of type ReferenceArray: Role types where the Person Plurality and Organization Plurality attributes are set to True for the role type configuration can be updated via the data capture template. Set a checkmark to specify that existing all existing roles of the property shall be deleted and only one role will be added upon import. If a checkmark is not set, existing records will not be deleted in the Alfabet database and the new roles will be added to the existing roles upon import.
  6. Go to the Role Type tab. This tab displays a row for each permissible role type available for the object class/object class stereotype targeted by the data capture template. All role types assigned to the relevant class in the Class Configuration functionality will be displayed in the Role Types tab. Please note the following:
    • The data capture template will include a row for each possible role type available for the targeted class/stereotype. Therefore, all role types that may reference a person as well as all role types that may reference an organization stereotype will be displayed in the Role Type tab.
    • Role types may be configured so that only one person or organization may be specified for a role for an object or multiple persons or organizations may be specified for a role for an object. If multiple persons are allowed, the (Person Plurality attribute for the role type will be set to False and if multiple organizations are allowed, the Organization Plurality attribute for the role type will be set to False.
      • If the Organization Plurality attribute for a role type is set to False for a role and the role is updated via the imported XLSX file, the old role definition will be deleted and a new role with the specified organization will be created. If the Organization Plurality attribute is set to True, a new role will be created for each specified organization.
      • If the Person Plurality attribute for a role type is set to False for a role and the role is updated via the imported XLSX file, the old role definition will be deleted and a new role with the specified person will be created. If the Person Plurality attribute is set to True, a new role will be created for each specified person.
    • Roles can be deleted for objects in the context of a data capture template for roles based on role types where the Person Plurality and Organization Plurality attributes are set to False in the role type configuration.
    • The role types defined in the XLSX file must exist in Alfabet FastLane at the time of import. A record will not be imported to Alfabet FastLane if the defined role type has been deleted from the Alfabet database at the time of import.

    The following is possible:

    • Drag the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the dataset in order to view all columns in the Role Type tab.
    • Define the following columns in the Role Type tab:
      • Name: Displays the name of the data capture template record. The name is a concatenation of <Class>:<Stereotype>:<Role Type>. In the XLSX file, the role types will be listed in the sequence <Class>:<Stereotype>:<Role Type>. The sequence can be changed via the Move Up  DCT_MoveUp or Move Down  DCT_MoveDown buttons, as needed.
      • Caption: If necessary, change the caption that shall be displayed as the column header in the XLSX file. The following default syntax may be displayed:
        • Role types for the class Person where the person is based on the stereotype User: Person:User:<Name of Role Type>
        • Role types for the class OrgaUnit: OrgaUnit:<Name of Role Type>
      • Mandatory: Set a checkmark to specify that the role type is mandatory and must be defined in the XLSX in order for the record to be imported to the Alfabet database. This can be changed, as needed. If a checkmark is set in the Mandatory column, the checkmark in the Include column will automatically be set. The Mandatory column in the Help tab of the XLSX file will be set to True for a mandatory role type.
      • Include: Set a checkmark to specify that the role type shall be included in the XLSX file. A mandatory role type must be included in the XLSX file.

        To set the checkmark in the Include column for all role types, select the Select All button above the dataset. To clear the checkmark in the Include column for all role types, select the Exclude All button above the dataset.

      • Property Details: Displays the details of the role type. This will be a concatenation of OrgaUnit or Person and the name of the role type.
      • Reference Class Filter: Select the configured report that shall find the specific subset of role types that the objects targeted by the data capture template may be assigned to. The role types found by the configured report shall be available in the drop-down list to define the referenced object in the XLSX file.
      • Reference Class Stereotype: Displays the stereotype of the class OrgaUnit or Person that is referenced by the role type.
      • Editor Hint: Enter text to assist the user in defining the role type in the XLSX file. If no hint is defined, the value specified for the Description attribute of the role type will be displayed. The hints will be available in the Help tab of the XLSX file.
      • Allow Delta Objects: Set a checkmark to allow new referenced role types to be specified in the XLSX file. The new referenced role types are role types that did not exist at the time that the XLSX file was generated but have in the meantime been added to the Alfabet database. The user must type in the exact name of the referenced role types. If the name is correctly entered for the referenced role types, the reference will be created between the base object and the new role type upon import of the XLSX file.

        To set the checkmark in the Allow All Delta Objects column for all role types, select the Select All Delta Objects button above the dataset. To clear the checkmark in the Allow All Delta Objects column for all role types, select the Exclude All button above the dataset.

  7. Go to the Indicator Type tab. This tab displays a row for each permissible indicator type available for the object class targeted by the data capture template. All relevant indicator types associated with evaluation types that are assigned to the relevant class in the Class Configuration functionality will be displayed in the Indicator Type tab.

    Please note the following:

    • Indicator types that allow a value to be explicitly defined or a value to be selected from a configured range will be included in the data capture template.
    • Indicator types based on a computation rule will not be included in the data capture template.
    • If the Hide Numbers checkbox is selected for an indicator type in the Indicator Types editor, then only the semantic value will be displayed in the drop-down field in the XLSX file.
    • The indicator types defined in the XLSX file must exist in Alfabet FastLane at the time of import. A record will not be imported to Alfabet FastLane if the defined indicator type has been deleted from the Alfabet database at the time of import.

    The following is possible:

    • Drag the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the dataset in order to view all columns in the Indicator Type tab.
    • Define the following columns in the Indicator Type tab:
      • Name: Displays the name of the data capture template record. The name is a concatenation of <Evaluation Type Name>:<Indicator Type Name>. he indicator types will be lexicographically sorted in the XLSX file according to <Evaluation Type Name>:<Indicator Type Name>.

        The sequence can be changed via the Move Up  DCT_MoveUp or Move Down  DCT_MoveDown buttons in the toolbar, as needed.

      • Caption: If necessary, change the caption that shall be displayed as the column header in the XLSX file.
      • Mandatory: Set a checkmark to specify that the indicator type is mandatory and must be defined in the XLSX in order for the record to be imported to the Alfabet database. This can be changed, as needed. If a checkmark is set in the Mandatory column, the checkmark in the Include column will automatically be set. The Mandatory column in the Help tab of the XLSX file will be set to True for a mandatory indicator type.
      • Include: Set a checkmark to specify that the indicator type shall be included in the XLSX file. A mandatory indicator type must be included in the XLSX file.

        To set the checkmark in the Include column for all indicator types, select the Select All button above the dataset. To clear the checkmark in the Include column for all indicator types, select the Exclude All button above the dataset.

      • Editor Hint: Enter text to assist the user in defining the indicator type in the XLSX file. If no hint is defined, the value specified for the Description attribute of the indicator type will be displayed. The hints will be available in the Help tab of the XLSX file.
  8. Go to the Lifecycle tab. This tab displays a row for each lifecycle phase specified for the object class targeted by the data capture template and allows you to specify the lifecycle phase to include in the XLSX file. Please consider the following:
    • The Capture Lifecycle attribute must be set to True in the Basic Data tab to display the lifecycle phases in the Lifecycle tab.
    • Users will be able to define a start date for each lifecycle phase included in the XLSX file and the end date of the last lifecycle phase. A user can delete a lifecycle phase for an object by selecting Update in the Operations column and leaving the lifecycle phase's start date empty when the XLSX file is imported.
    • At least one lifecycle phase's start date and the lifecycle end date must be defined at the time of import.

    Define the following columns in the Lifecycle tab:

    • Name: Displays the name of the data capture template record. The name will be displayed as a column caption in the XLSX file as a concatenation of <Lifecycle Phase> Start Date for all lifecycle phases except for the last lifecycle phase. The column caption for the last lifecycle phase will be Lifecycle End Date for the last lifecycle phase.
    • Caption: If necessary, change the caption that shall be displayed as the column header in the XLSX file.
    • Mandatory: Set a checkmark to specify that the lifecycle phase is mandatory and must be defined in the XLSX in order for the record to be imported to the Alfabet database. This can be changed, as needed. If a checkmark is set in the Mandatory column, the checkmark in the Include column will automatically be set. The Mandatory column in the Help tab of the XLSX file will be set to True for a mandatory lifecycle phase.
    • Include: Set a checkmark to specify that the lifecycle phase shall be included in the XLSX file. A mandatory lifecycle phase must be included in the XLSX file.
    • Editor Hint: Enter text to assist the user in defining the lifecycle phase in the XLSX file. If no hint is defined, the value specified for the XML attribute Hint in the XML object ObjectLifecycleManager will be displayed. Please note that the default hint for the lifecycle end date is: The end date of the final lifecycle phase defined for the record. The hints will be available in the Help tab of the XLSX file.
  9. The Import/Export Asynchronously tab allows the asynchronous import and export of data via data capture templates to be specified for the import/export of large sets of data. If asynchronous execution is activated, it will be implemented when the following actions are triggered:
    • Create MS Excel File from Data Capture Template
    • Download Data Capture Template
    • Import MS Excel File for Data Capture Template

    To activate asynchronous import and export for a data capture template, select the Import/Export Asynchronously checkbox. In the dataset, select the folder in the Internal Document Selector that the export file shall be created in. If the Import/Export Asynchronously checkbox is selected, the event feedback message will be displayed to the user triggering the import or export of the data capture template.

  10. Click the OK button to save the data capture template configuration and close the editor.

A person is a user in Alfabet FastLane. A person is assigned access permission to objects via the user group affiliation and read/write permissions via the user profile affiliation.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation

First Name


String: maximum 128 characters

The first name of the user.



String : maximum 255 characters

The last name of the user.

User Name


String : maximum 128 characters

The User Name must be unique.



String : maximum 512 characters

The user's email address.



String : maximum 32 characters

The user's phone number.

Technical Name


String : maximum 128 characters

The technical name assigned to this user. As a standard practice, the technical name can also be defined as the full name of the user.

User Type


String : Enumeration

Named User or Anonymous User. Only named users can be assigned to User Profiles with CRUD access; this requires a Business User license. Anonymous users may be added to the Read Only Viewer Profile and/or may be assigned to assets via a role (e.g. as an Application Manager). NoAccess users can be defined as users that are available within the system but will not be able to log in the system as authenticated users.

License Type


String : Enumeration

The license type that should be assigned to this user. The available values for the license type metric are - 'Standard User' and 'Occasional User'. In most cases, the standard user license model is used for all customers.

A user group structures a group of users. Access permission to an object is provided to users based on the user groups defined for the object. The users in the user groups specified for the object will be able to see the object in Alfabet FastLane 

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the user group.




A short description of the user group.

An organization describes an administrative or functional unit in the enterprise such as business units, divisions, regions and countries. An organization is not typically a legal entity but rather a business-driven governance structure to document roles and responsibilities and track roll-out plans. Organizations are supported in their business activities through the business support provided by applications.

Organizations form a self-referential hierarchy. An organizational hierarchy of 3 levels is sufficient for analysis in Alfabet FastLane.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String 255


The name of the organization.

Object State


String - Enum

Describes the operational status of the organization and indicates whether it is actively used, planned to be used, or has been used in the past. The organization's start and end dates indicate the planned period when the organization will be used. Possible values are: Plan , Active, Retired

Parent Organization



Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the parent organization. Used to build up the hierarchy.




A short description of the organization.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the organization.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the organization and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the organization.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the organization and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: IT Owner



A person owning the organization and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the organization and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

A location is a geographic place that could be, for example, a country, city, building, or even a room. Locations can be hierarchically defined. A physical server is assigned to a location, which represents the physical location. Documenting locations and their physical servers is critical for disaster recovery management.

Column Attribute/Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String 255


The name of the location.




Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the parent location. Used to build up the hierarchy.

Short Name


String 16

A short name used to identify the location.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the location.

Organization: Business Owner



An organization that owns the location and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Organization: IT Owner



The organization owning the location and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the location and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the location and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: IT Owner



The person owning the location and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Person / User: IT Stakeholder



General role for users organizations having an interest in the objects, hence requiring read access.




A short description of the location.

A vendor is a supplier of components. A component is marketed and sold by one single vendor.

Column Attribute/Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the vendor.

Short Name


String : maximum 16 characters

A short name for the vendor.



String: maximum 512 characters

The vendor's website.




A short description for the vendor.



String : maximum 128 characters

Address - Country



String: maximum 128 characters

Address - State



String : maximum 128 characters

Address - City



String: maximum 128 characters

Address - Street



String: maximum 64 characters

Address - Phone



String: maximum 64 characters

Address - Fax



String: maximum 128 characters

Address - Email

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the vendor.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the vendor and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the vendor and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Organization: Business Owner



An organization who owns the vendor and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Organization: IT Owner



An IT organization owning the vendor and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the vendor and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: IT Owner



A person owning the vendor and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Applications are deployed on physical servers or virtual servers. Virtual servers run on physical servers which are located in different locations around the world.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the physical server.

Short Name


String : maximum 16 characters

A short name for the physical server.



String : maximum 128 characters


The version of the physical server.




A short description of the physical server.

Start Date




The utilization start date of the physical server.

End Date




The expected utilization end date of the physical server.

Object State

Object State

String: Enumeration


The object state for the physical server - Retired, Active, Plan



String : Enumeration

Specifies the approval status of an physical server and determines whether or not the physical server can be edited or deleted.

Possible values are: Data imported, Draft, Under Review, Approved, Trash

Serial Number


String: maximum 128 characters

The serial number of the physical server.




Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the location.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the physical server.

Organization: Asset Owner



An organization in the business who legally owns the physical server. These organizations are responsible for making asset allocation decisions based on strategic objectives and utilization purposes.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the physical server and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Asset Owner



A person or organization in the business who legally owns the physical server. These users and organizations are responsible for making asset allocation decisions based on strategic objectives and utilization purposes.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the physical server and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

A business capability is an abstract description of what is done in an enterprise to meet its business objectives. Business capabilities are structured hierarchically to capture business activities.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation

Level ID


String 32

The hierarchical number of the business capability in the business capability hierarchy. For example: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.



String 255

The name of the business capability.

Parent Domain



Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the parent business capability. Used to build up the hierarchy.




A short description of the business capability.

Business Relevance


String 256

Indicates how relevant the business capability is for the business. Contributes to the business score.

  • Mission Critical: The business capability is crucial to the organization's business and therefore essential to the accomplishment of the vision, goals and objectives.
  • Business Evolving: The business capability responds to internal and external change and helps to support the necessary steps to transition the organization's business.
  • Business Enabling: The business capability is currently core to the business of the organization and describes what currently exists in the business.
  • Business Operating: The business capability is not unique to the business but does provide the support required to operate the business. Because it is not unique to the business, it does not constitute a core business capability.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the business capability and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Capability Owner



Person within the organization who is responsible for the business capability.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the business capability and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Organization: Business Owner



An organization who owns the business capability and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: Asset Owner



A person in the business who legally owns the business capability. These users and organizations are responsible for making asset allocation decisions based on strategic objectives and utilization purposes.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the business capability and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

A business process is a set of activities that represent work required to achieve a business objective. Typical business processes include marketing services, selling products, delivering services, distributing products, invoicing for services, and accounting for money received.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String - Enum

  1. Create- Create a new object.
  2. Update- Update the object.
  3. Delete- Delete the object.
  4. No Change- Skip the Object.

Level ID


String 32

The hierarchical number of the business process in the business process hierarchy. For example: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.



String 255


The name of the business process.

Parent Business Process



Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the parent business process. Used to build up the hierarchy.

Business Relevance


String 256

Indicates how relevant the business process is for the business. Contributes to the business score.

  • Mission Critical: The business process is crucial to the organization's business and therefore essential to the accomplishment of the vision, goals and objectives.
  • Business Evolving: The business process responds to internal and external change and helps to support the necessary steps to transition the organization's business.
  • Business Enabling: The business process is currently core to the business of the organization and describes what currently exists in the business.
  • Business Operating: The business process is not unique to the business but does provide the support required to operate the business.




A short description of the business process.

Business Process Model

Process Model


The business process model that the business process belongs to.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the business process.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the business process and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the business process and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the business process and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Organization: Business Owner



An organization who owns the business process and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Business data represent concrete logical instances that are created, read, updated, deleted, or process by applications. Business data is transferred between applications by means of information flows.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String 255


The name of the business data.




A short description of the business data.



String 128


The version of the business data.

Short Name


String 16

A short name for the business data.

Data Classification


String 256

Classify the business data based on data protection requirements. Possible options are: Confidential - Non-Personal Data, Confidential - Personal Data, Restricted, Unrestricted, and Unknown

Data Category




The business object that the business data is associated with.

Business Capability



The business capability that the business data is relevant for.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the business data.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the business capability and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the business capability.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the business capability and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Data Classification: DPIA Rating


A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is a privacy-related assessment whose objective is to identify and analyze certain actions or activities that might affect data privacy. Under the GDPR regulations, data protection impact assessments are mandatory in certain cases, such as when profiling activities are carried out using personal data. 5-Very High 4-High 3-Medium 2-Low 1-Very Low 0-Not Required.

An application group is a container to logically structure applications in order to analyze application portfolios. There may be many ways to logically structure applications. Thus, any application may be associated with multiple application groups. Typical ways to group applications include:

  • the high-level business processes that applications support
  • the organizations that applications support
  • the organizations that are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the applications
  • the technology that applications use
  • ad-hoc assessments of segments of the IT landscape
Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the application group.

Parent Group



Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the parent application group. Used to build up the hierarchy.

Short Name


String : maximum 16 characters

A short name for the application group.



String : Enumeration

The application group type. Values range from Analysis Group, Building Block and Project.




A short description of the application group.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the object in Alfabet.

Organization: Stakeholder



General role for users and organizations having an interest in the objects, hence requiring read access.

Person / User: Application Manager



Subject matter expert for the application from functional and technical point of view.

Person / User: Architect



Person responsible for the governance of the object.

Person / User: Stakeholder



General role for users and organizations having an interest in the objects, hence requiring read access.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String: maximum 255 characters


The application name.

Short Name


String: maximum 16 characters

A short name to identify the application.



String: maximum 128 characters


The version number for the application. It is recommended that you document major and minor release versions (<MajorVersion.MinorVersion>).




A short description of the application.

Start Date




The start date is the date when the application is actively used.

End Date




The end date is the date when the application is no longer used.

Object State


String: Enumeration


Describes the use of the application in the real word. This can be understood as the operational status of the application. Possible values are:

  • Plan: The application is proposed to be used and still in the stages of planning and building.
  • Active: The application is currently and used now. The active period begins with the application's start date and ends with the end date.
  • Retired: The application is no longer used.

The object state should be changed from Plan to Active once the application's start date is reached. It should be changed to Retire when the application's end data is reached.



String : Enumeration


Specifies the approval status of an application and determines whether or not the application can be edited or deleted. Possible values are:

  • Draft: The application has only mandatory data defined.
  • Under Review: The application is documented and being reviewed. An application with this release status cannot be deleted.
  • Approved: The application has been approved by the responsible stakeholders. An application cannot be deleted when it has an approved release status. An application with this release status cannot be deleted.
  • Data imported: The data regarding this application has been imported from an external system. Additional changes may be required to improve the data quality. An application with this release status can be deleted.
  • Trash: The application is no longer valid and can be deleted.
Architecture Type



The architecture type of the application: Possible values are:

  • Client-Server: The application divides tasks or workloads between the providers and consumers of a resource or service.
  • Cloud-Based: The application runs on SaaS cloud environments. The cloud infrastructure could be local or remote to the organization.
  • Distributed: The application runs on multiple computers within a network. The network boundary can extend from private intranets to public clouds.
  • External Webpage: The application is an external resource represented through a web link.
  • Mainframe: The application is used by large organizations to carry out critical processing tasks such as bulk processing of data, transactions, planning or statistical activities.
  • Stand-Alone: The application is a self-contained application that does not rely on external entities to complete a task.
  • Unknown: The architecture type has not yet been assessed.

Development Type


String : Enumeration

The application development type.

  • Bespoke: The application was created specifically to address a unique use case.
  • COTS - Configured: A commercial off-the-shelf application that has been configured or supports configuration to fulfill the requirements of the enterprise and is fully supported and upgrade-stable.
  • COTS - Customized: A commercial off-the-shelf application that is customized or contains organization-specific code/programming to suit the requirements of the enterprise.
  • Unknown: The application development type has not yet been assessed.



String : Enumeration

The authentication method used for the application.

  • Autonomous: The application supports autonomous methods such as Direct Autonomous Authentication (DAA) for authentication. This can be carried out through mobile or remote authentication systems.
  • Basic Access: The applications support basic authentication based on a username and password. Protocols and layers such as HTTPS, SSL. or TLS could be used to enhance security, but these are not mandatory.
  • Multi-Factor: The application requires more than one method of authentication from independent verification sources to verify the transactional identity.
  • Multi-Factor & SSO: The application supports both multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO) authentication methods.
  • No Authentication: The application does not support authentication.
  • Single Sign-On: The application supports the use of a single ID and password to gain access to several related or unrelated systems.
  • Unknown: The authentication mode has not yet been assessed.



String: maximum 512 characters

A unique suffix used to identify this application.



String : Enumeration

The strategic recommendation regarding future investment for the application. Possible values are:

  • Tolerate: Invest in the application.
  • Invest: Consider the application as a migration candidate.
  • Migrate: Sundown the application.
  • Eliminate: Discontinue the application.

Strategic Application



Indicates whether the application is strategic for the business.

Pace-Layered Governance


String : maximum 256 characters

Classification of application according to the Pace-Layered Application Strategy. Possible values are:

  • System of Differentiation: The application enables unique company processes or industry-specific capabilities. The application has a medium-length lifecycle (one to three years) but needs to be reconfigured frequently to accommodate changing business practices or customer requirements.
  • System of Innovation: The application is built on an ad-hoc basis to address new business requirements or opportunities. The application typically has a short lifecycle (zero to 12 months) using departmental or outside resources and consumer-grade technologies.
  • System of Record: The application is an established packaged application or legacy homegrown system that supports core transaction processing and manages the organization's critical master data. The rate of change is low because the processes are well-established and common to most organizations and often are subject to regulatory requirements.




The application's successor application.

Cloud Migration Strategy


String : Enumeration

The strategy to migrate the application to the cloud. Possible values include:

  • Rehost: The application is SaaS-enabled but is either outdated or would require rehosting to the cloud platform.
  • Rebuild: The application could be made cloud ready but would require a change in the build process to ensure seamless delivery. The concepts of CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery) could be leveraged for these applications.
  • Rearchitect: The application requires additional effort to make it cloud enabled. For example, this might be due to application health monitoring, application security, data backup and policies, scalability and replication zones, disaster recovery, network utilization, multi-channel communication, or identity management.
  • Refactor: The application requires some changes in code to be eligible for migration to the cloud. The application can be modular or a self-contained application with services that can easily be refactored.
  • Retain/Retire: The application supports a business capability for which the Business Relevant indicator is set to Business Enabling or Business Operating and the application cannot be migrated to the cloud immediately. Or the application is at the end of its lifecycle and is about to be retired.
  • Unknown: The cloud migration strategy is not specified for the application.

Subject to Compliance Regulation



Indicates whether the application is bound to compliance regulations. This is relevant for cloud migration analytics.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the application.

Organization: Business Owner



An organization who owns the application and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Organization: IT Owner



An IT organization owning the application and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Organization: Operations



An IT organization responsible for the operations of the application.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the application and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Application Manager



A person who is the subject matter expert for the application from a functional and technical point of view.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the application.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the application and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: IT Owner



A person owning the application and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the application and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Application Assessment: Geographical Reach


String : Enumeration

An application's area of usage and distribution reach. This allows you to determine the geographical reach of your portfolio based on application local, regional, or global usage.

  • 0- Local
  • 1- Regional
  • 2- Global

Application Assessment: Mobile Capability


String: Enumeration

Mobile capability is used to determine whether an application is complaint for mobile platforms. An application that fully supports all mobile platforms (Smartphones, Tablets, Smart TVs, Smart Watches, etc.) is considered to be fully mobile-compliant. An application supporting one or many but not all of the mobile platforms is considered to partially mobile-compliant.

  • 0- Not Supported
  • 1- Only Mobile Website
  • 2- Partially Supported
  • 3- Fully Supported

Application Assessment: Multi Language Support


String : Enumeration

Indicates the level of support an application provides for multiple languages: 0- Unknown, 1- No, 2- Yes

Application Assessment: Number of Users


String : Enumeration

Indicates the number of users using this application.

  • 0: 0
  • 1: 1-10
  • 2: 11-100
  • 3: 101-1.000
  • 4: 1.001-10.000
  • 5: >10.000

Application Assessment: SCA Compliance


String : Enumeration

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is a European regulatory requirement to reduce fraud and make online payments more secure. SCA requires authentication to use at least two of the following three elements: 1. Something the customer knows (PIN/Password), 2. Something the customer has (Phone/Hardware token), 3. Something the customer is (Fingerprint/Face recognition). Possible values are: 0- Not required, 1- No but required, 2- Yes

Application Classification: 1 Confidentiality


String : Enumeration

1-Not Critical 2-Essential 3-Critical.

Application Classification: 2 Integrity


String : Enumeration

1-Not Critical 2-Essential 3-Critical.

Application Classification: 3 Availability


String : Enumeration

1-Not Critical 2-Essential 3-Critical.

Application Classification: DPIA Rating


String : Enumeration

A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is a privacy-related assessment whose objective is to identify and analyze certain actions or activities that might affect data privacy. Under the GDPR regulations, data protection impact assessments are mandatory in certain cases such as when profiling activities are carried out using personal data. Possible values are: 5- Very High, 4- High, 3- Medium, 2- Low, 1- Very Low, 0- Not Required

Disaster Recovery: Recovery Point Objective (Hrs)


String : Enumeration

Indicates the recovery point objective in hours: 0-< 1 Hr 1-1-2 Hr 2-2-3 Hrs 3-3-5 Hrs 4-5-12 Hrs 5-> 12 Hrs.

Disaster Recovery: Recovery Time Objective (Hrs)


String : Enumeration

Indicates the recovery time objective in hours: 0-< 1 Hr 1-1-2 Hr 2-2-3 Hrs 3-3-5 Hrs 4-5-12 Hrs 5-> 12 Hrs.

Cloud Assessment: Does the app have peaks in the workload?


String: Enumeration

1-No 2-Yes (Exceptionally) 3-Yes (Regularly).

Cloud Assessment: Is the license eligible for cloud?


String: Enumeration

1-No 2-Yes.

Plan Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Plan. The end date will be set to the minimum of the next maintained lifecycle phase's start date and the lifecycle end date.

Pilot Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Pilot. The lifecycle phase will be set to the minimum of the next maintained lifecycle phase's start date and the lifecycle end date.

Production Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Production. The lifecycle phase will be set to the minimum of the next maintained lifecycle phase's start date and the lifecycle end date.

Sunset Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Sunset. The lifecycle phase will be set to the minimum of the next maintained lifecycle phase's start date and the lifecycle end date.

Retired Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Retired. The end date will be set to the lifecycle end date.

Lifecycle End Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the end date of the last lifecycle phase.

An information flow describes the transfer of business data between source and target applications.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation

From (Source) Owner



Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the application. If no application with the specified SAG_IMP_ID can be found, then the row will be ignored for the import.

To (Target) Owner




Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the application. If no application with the specified SAG_IMP_ID can be found, then the row will be ignored for the import.

Name Suffix


String 128

A name suffix to identify information flows between applications with similar names or in case of data transfer between different application versions.



String 128


The information flow version.

Start Date




The start date for the information flow.

End Date




The end date of the information flow.

Object State


String - Enum


Describes the operational status of the information flow and indicates whether it is actively used, planned to be used, or has been used in the past. The information flow's start and end dates indicate the planned period when the information flow will be used. Possible values are: Plan , Active, Retired



String - Enum


Specifies the approval status of a information flow and determines whether or not the information flow can be edited or deleted.

Possible values are: Data imported, Draft, Under Review, Approved, Trash




A short description of the information flow.

Connection Data Format

Connection Data Format

String - Enum

The value must be compliant to the configuration of the database.

Connection Frequency

Connection Frequency

String - Enum

The value must be compliant to the configuration of the database.

Connection Method

Connection Method

String - Enum

The value must be compliant to the configuration of the database.

Connection Type

Connection Type

String - Enum

The value must be compliant to the configuration of the database.




Enter SAG_IMP_ID of a component.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the information flow.

Organization: Operations



An IT organization responsible for the operations of the information flow.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the business support and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the business support.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the buisiness support and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

An IT capability is a basic capability such as an infrastructure service that is offered in the context of data center operations. Mainframe Operations, Database Management or Backup & Recovery are examples of typical IT capabilities.

Column Attribute/Reference Type Mandatory Explanation

Level ID


String: maximum 255 characters

The hierarchical number of the IT capability in the IT capability hierarchy. For example: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the IT capability.




Enter SAG_IMP_ID of the parent IT capability. Used to build up the hierarchy.




A short description of the IT capability.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the IT capability.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the IT capability and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Capability Owner



The person within the organization who is responsible for the IT capability.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the IT capability and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Organization: IT Owner



An IT organization owning the IT capability and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the IT capability.

Person / User: IT Owner



A person owning the IT capability and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

A component is a reusable block of functionality that is implemented by software. A component typically does note provide functionality to end users but rather provides technical functionality to support an application.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String: maximum 255 characters


The name of the component.

Short Name


String : maximum 16 characters

A short name to identify the component.



String : maximum 128 characters

The component version.




A short description of the component.

Start Date




The start date is the date when the component is actively used.

End Date




The end date is the date when the component is no longer actively used.

Object State


String : Enumeration


Describes the operational status of the component and indicates whether it is actively used, planned to be used, or has been used in the past. Possible values are:

  • Plan: The component is proposed to be used and still in the stages of planning and building.
  • Active: The component is currently and used now. The active period begins with the component's start date and ends with the end date.
  • Retired: The component is no longer used



String : Enumeration


Specifies the approval status of a component and determines whether or not the component can be edited or deleted. Possible values are:

  • Draft: The component has only mandatory data defined.
  • Under Review: The component is documented and being reviewed. A component with this release status cannot be deleted.
  • Approved: The component has been approved by the responsible stakeholders. An component cannot be deleted when it has an approved release status. A component with this release status cannot be deleted.
  • Data imported: The data regarding this component has been imported from an external system. Additional changes may be required to improve the data quality. A component with this release status can be deleted.
  • Trash: The component is no longer valid and can be deleted.



String : Enumeration

Specifies how the component is used. Possible values are:

  • Business: A component used in an application that provides business functions to end users. These components usually cater to specific business use cases and operations.
  • Software: A component that provides technical support to an application such as data processing, application level functionality, or communication between applications.
  • Infrastructure: A component that provides infrastructure level support and makes it possible to run business applications on devices. These components are usually installed on the infrastructure layer.



String : Enumeration

Specify whether the component is a standard component. This helps you to promote the use of standard components and reduce non-standard technologies. Possible values are:

  • Not Classified: The component is not assigned to a standardization category.
  • Free for User: The component may be used. Users do not need approval to use the component.
  • Approval Required: The use of this component must be approved. Users should contact the authorized user or another person such as the IT Owner who has a role defined for the component to gain approval to use the component.
  • Not Permitted: The component may not be used.

Support Model


String : Enumeration

The business support model for the component. Possible values are:

  • In-House: Support is provided from within the enterprise.
  • 3rd Party: Support is provided by an external vendor.
  • Other: Support is managed through other channels.
  • Unknown: Support model has not yet been assessed.



String: maximum 512 characters

A short alias name for the component.

Strategic Component



Specifies whether the component is strategic.

Manufacturer Supported Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Manufacturer Supported. The lifecycle phase will be set to the minimum of the next maintained lifecycle phase's start date and the lifecycle end date.

Manufacturer Extended Support Start Date

Lifecycle Phase


This is the start date of the lifecycle phase Manufacturer Extended Support. The end date will be set to the lifecycle end date.

Lifecycle End Date

Lifecycle Phase

String : maximum 128 characters

The end date of the last lifecycle phase.

IT Capability



Enter the SAG_IMP_ID of the IT capability.




Enter the SAG_IMP_ID of the vendor.




Enter the SAG_IMP_ID of the successor component.

Authorized User Group

User Group


The user groups who have access permissions to the component.

Person / User: Stakeholder



A person that has an interest in the component and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Operations



A person responsible for the operations of the component.

Person / User: IT Owner



A person owning the component and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Person / User: Business Owner



A person who owns the component and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the component.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the component and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Organization: Operations



An organization owning the component and thus typically responsible for approval decisions.

Organization: IT Owner



The IT organization owning the object and thus typical responsible for approval decisions.

Organization: Business Owner



The organization owning the component and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Technology Evaluation: Classification


String: Enumeration

1-Manufacturer Supported 2-Manufacturer Extended Support 3-Not Supported

A project group is a container to logically structure projects in order to analyze project portfolios. There may be many ways to logically structure projects. Thus, any project may be associated with multiple project groups.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the project group.

Short Name


String : maximum 16 characters

A short name for the project group.




A short description of the project group.

Parent Group

Project Group


The ascendant project group that this project group is subordinate to.

A project is an activity undertaken in order to achieve a specified goal in the IT landscape. It is possible to document the as-is architecture that may be impacted by the project, plan the to-be architecture for the IT landscape, plan and assess the project's costs in a business case, and monitor project target dates via milestones. Projects can be grouped into project groups.

Column Attribute/ Reference Type Mandatory Explanation



String : maximum 255 characters


The name of the project.

Start Date



The planned start date of the project.

End Date



The planned end date of the project.



String: maximum 32 characters

The project number that the project is associated with. This project number is usually the ID number used in the company's external multi-project management solution.




A short description for the project.


String: Enumeration

The status of the project in the approval process. Possible values are: New , In Design, Under Assessment, In Realization, Completed, Rejected

Organization: Business Owner



An organization that owns the project and is responsible for managing the functional requirements.

Organization: Stakeholder



An organization that has an interest in the project and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Person / User: Architect



A person who is responsible for the governance of the project.

Person / User: Project Manager



A person who is responsible for planning, organizing, managing, and executing projects from beginning to end including the project's budget, resources, and scheduling.

Person / User: Staffing Manager



A person who is responsible to allocate and balance the human resources required for the project.

Person / User: Stakeholder


String : Enumeration

A person that has an interest in the project and therefore requires read-only access permissions.

Architectural Impact: Complexity Reduction

String: Enumeration

1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Medium 4-High 5-Very High.

Architectural Impact: Innovation

String : Enumeration

1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Medium 4-High 5-Very High.

Architectural Impact: Standard Conformity

String : Enumeration

1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Medium 4-High 5-Very High.

Business Value: Cost Savings Potential

String : Enumeration

1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Medium 4-High 5-Very High.

Business Value: Market Opportunity

String : Enumeration

1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Medium 4-High 5-Very High.

Business Value: Strategic Value

String : Enumeration

1-Very Low 2-Low 3-Medium 4-High 5-Very High.

Project Risk: Duration

String : Enumeration

The duration related risk accounts for the fact that longer projects tend to fail more often. This is partly due to staff turnover and partly due to the complexity of work typical for longer projects. 1-Very Low (> 18 months) 2-Low (12 - 18 months) 3-Medium (7 -11 months) 4-High (3 - 6 months) 5-Very High (< 2 months).

Project Risk: Team Size

String: Enumeration

Risk resulting from the team size of the project team. Largely this risk is associated with the increased coordination and communication efforts by increase in team size. 1-Very High (>50) 2-High (20 - 50) 3-Medium (10 - 19) 4-Low (5 - 9) 5-Very Low (<5).

Project Risk: Technology Adoption

String : Enumeration

Technology adoption risks are measured by the in-house competence available for the technologies dominant in the project. The more new technologies are used the higher the risk. 1-Very High (new technology in prototyping) 2-High (new technology with experienced partner) 3-Medium (new version of familiar technology) 4-Low (in - house familiarity) 5-Very Low (in - house expertise).