Find a business question
Business questions are available in the left navigation panel in the Business Questions section.
Expand a business question group and select a business question. The business questions are structured in the following business question groups:
- Governance: These business questions address information regarding responsibility and accountability for IT assets and where to focus your change efforts.
- Transparency: These business questions provide up-to-date information about the as-is landscape, architectural dependencies in your IT portfolios, as well as insight about component vendors, IT standards, and the technical debt.
- Rationalization: These business questions help you to understand the functional redundancies in your IT and how to reduce the technical debt and eliminate the complexity of architectural dependencies without endangering critical business areas.
- Roadmap: These business questions enable your company to coordinate IT change efforts so change is efficient and fast.
- Risk: These business questions support you to accomplish continued business and IT innovation with the confidence of better compliance, decreased risk to critical applications and the technologies that provide them, and knowledge of the potential impact of IT security issues on critical business areas.
- Cloud Migration: These business questions focus on making your migration to the cloud fast and reliable by helping you to identify cloud candidates in alignment with your migration strategy.
- Investment: These business questions focus on your projects to ensure that they are executed on time and in budget.
Search for a business question in the Search Navigation field. If you know the name of a business question, you can easily navigate to it. Start to type the business question name in the Search Navigation field at the top of the left navigation field and select the relevant result.