Configure the Alfabet Web Application

From Alfabet 10 to Alfabet 11, the configuration language for the configuration files in the physical directory of the Alfabet Web Application has changed from XML to JSON. The alfabet.config file has been substituted by the alfasettings.json file. In the root directory of the Alfabet Web Application , appsettings.json contains the relevant settings while web.config is only a redirect to the .NET Core.

Click to view all relevant changes concerning the Alfabet Web Application between Alfabet 10 and Alfabet 11.

  1. In the Windows® file explorer, navigate to the WebApplication subdirectory in your Alfabet installation folder.
  2. Add a new subfolder config.
  3. Open the subfolder Examples , copy the file alfasettings.json and paste it in the subfolder config.
  4. Start the Alfabet Administrator from the Windows® Start Menu.
  5. Click the Alfabet Aliases node.
  6. In the toolbar of the table on the right, select Tools > Configure alfasettings.json.
  7. Click the three-dots button on the right of the Web Folder field and select the physical folder of the Alfabet Web Application. The alfasettings.config file in the config subfolder opens.
  8. Change the information in the following fields:
    • "msfile": Specify the absolute path to the alfabetMS.xml configuration file located in the Programs subdirectory of the Alfabet Installation directory.
    • "alias": Enter the name of the server alias configuration for the Alfabet Web Application.
  9. Optionally, change the additional settings in the file. Click for an overview of the settings which can be made in alfasettings.json.
  10. Save the file.