Import the context-sensitive help texts

A JSON file with the content to upload must be available on your local file system.

  • [{"Context_Id":"SAG_BQ_Gov_Focus_General",
  • Context_View":"SAG_BQ_Gov_Focus,SAG_Governance_Focus",
  • Context_ViewType":"",
  • "Context_Class":"",
  • "Context_Priority":"1",
  • "Context_Heading":"How can this business question help me?",
  • "Context_Images":"",
  • "Context_Content":"<p>The business question What should we be focusing on? shows the first- and second-level business capabilities in the business capability model and indicates which ones are most critical and which are less critical to the business. Each second-level business capability displays the aggregated number of as-is applications currently supporting it and to-be applications planned to support it. The business capabilities subordinate to the second-level business capabilities are not displayed but are included in the data source and calculation of application support. The business question helps your company to decide which applications to invest in, migrate, or divest based on the relevance of the business capabilities they support.<\/p>"
  • },
  • {"Context_Id":"SAG_Governance_Focus_Color",
  • "Context_View":"SAG_BQ_Gov_Focus,SAG_Governance_Focus",
  • "Context_ViewType":"",
  • "Context_Class":"",
  • "Context_Priority":"2",
  • "Context_Heading":"What do the colors mean?",
  • "Context_Images":"purple.png,green.png",
  • "Context_Content":"<p>The business capabilities are colored according to the value defined for the Business Relevance attribute of a business capability. The most critical business capabilities are shades of purple <img src=\"purple.png\" alt=\"example of purple business capability\"\/>. The less critical business capabilities are shades of green <img src=\"green.png\" alt=\"example of green business capability\"\/>.<\/p>"
  1. In Alfabet Expand, go to the Managers menu and select Help Manager > Create/Update Help Context Contents.
  2. Select the JSON file to upload.

Context sensitive help is imported via a JSON file. You can create a JSON file with help content in the format described in this section and import it to provide help for your customized user interface.

The JSON file contains a list of objects with the following fields: