Export enumeration value configuration

The endpoint enums returns information about the definition of all or a subset of the enumerations in the Alfabet FastLane meta-model. Enumerations define a predefined set of values that are allowed to be set for an object class property.

Endpoint name: enums

HTTP method: GET

Service call: URLOfTheAlfabetAPIServer/api/v2/enums?names=Enum1,Enum2&emptyValues=true

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Required Value
names=EnumName,EnumName Optional A comma-separated list of enumerations for which information shall be returned. The enumeration must be defined by the value of the Name attribute of the enumeration. If the parameter is not added to the call, information about all enumerations in the Alfabet FastLane meta-model is returned.

Click to view the names of existing enumerations.

emptyValues=true/false Optional If emptyValues=true is added to the service call, all relevant attributes of the enumeration and enumeration items are returned even if they are not set. If emptyValues=false is added, only attributes that are set are returned. By default the attribute is set to false.

Authorization Header Field: Authorization:TypeValue

Click for details about authorization.

Return value: The return value is a JSON object with two fields:

  • {
    • "alias": "Alfabet"
    • "enums": [...]
  • }

The enums field consists of a JSON list of objects. Each enumeration is an object in the JSON list. If all enumerations in the Alfabet FastLane meta-model are returned, they are listed in alphabetical order. If only a defined list of enumerations specified in the service call are returned, they are listed in the order defined in the service call.

For each enumeration, the return value includes:

RESTful service call:

Service call: https://AlfabetCloud/AlfabetAPIServer/api/v2/enums?names=ObjectState,SAG_OrganizationType&emptyValues=false

HTTP method: GET


  • Authorization: bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKVxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhbGZhYmV0IiwiaWF0IjoiMTU3MzAzMjA0NiIsImV4cCI6IjE1NzMwMzMyNDYiLCJxc2giOm51bGwsInN1YiI6IkFwaSBBdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbiIsImNvbnRleHQiOnsidXNlciI6eyJVc2VyS2V5IjoiQUxGQUJFRDRUNGNc1R5cGUiOjB9fX0.PJC0EWtlUETbraV7NckVkRTFVm356y6K9JyhFR245hXp-2ApttryATZ_dAL0bi_GZpeJx7iqr_lRIA

Body: None.

Response of the service call:

  • "alias": "Alfabet"
  • "enums": [
    • {
      • "Name": "ObjectState",
      • "Caption": "Object State",
      • "Guid": "8FC728EE25944B0886099856028AA2B4",
      • "Items":[
        • {
          • "Value": "Retired",
          • "Hint": "Retired Hint",
          • "Icon": "Retired-BlackOutline",
          • "StyleGroup": "Object State",
          • "Style": "Retired"
        • },
        • {
          • "Value": "Active",
          • "Hint": "Active Hint",
          • "Icon": "Active-BlackOutline",
          • "StyleGroup": "Object State",
          • "Style": "Active"
        • },
        • {
          • "Value": "Plan",
          • "Hint": "Plan Hint",
          • "Icon": "Plan-BlackOutline",
          • "StyleGroup": "Object State",
          • "Style": "Plan"
        • }
      • ]
    • },
    • {
      • "Name": "SAG_OrganizationType",
      • "Caption": "Organization Type",
      • "Guid": "5GT345533B0886099856028AA2B4",
      • "Items":[
        • {
          • "Value": "External",
          • "Hint": "An external entity outside the primary organization",
        • },
        • {
          • "Value": "Internal",
          • "Hint": "An internal entity part of the primary organization"
        • }
      • ]
    • }
  • ]