Evaluate the component's indicators
An evaluation is a measurement of the performance of a component. Preconfigured indicator types and possibly custom indicator types added by your company are available to evaluate and are used in various analyses in Alfabet FastLane. Some indicator types are automatically computed by the system and others must be manually defined.
Update computed indicators. Click the Calculate button to update computed indicators via the Calculate button. The indicators will be recalculated based on the current. Please note that computed indicators that are calculated based on the current data.
Select an indicator type and click Edit Indicator or click Group Edit to open a dialog where all indicator types can be edited that are not automatically computed by the system.
Define the component's indicators. To do so, either:
- Click the Edit button to open the wizard and select Evaluations in the Go to Step field
- In the data table, click the navigate
button of the component you want to define. Click Overview and scroll to the Evaluations page and open it.